2. Create a test set-up in evalink talos

How to create basic entities to perform your first tests with the evalink talos API

To test the environment of your new evalink talos account and try out talos API calls, we suggest that you, first of all, create a “test set-up” via the web interface with one or more devices, groups, and contacts.

You can use them to give different API methods a try.

Navigate to “Site Groups” in the menu. Then, create a new Group with the name:

Group : “My Site Group”

Then, navigate to “Sites” in the menu. Then, create a new Site with the name:

Site : “My Site”

you can assign the Site to your Site Group 'My Site Group'.

Then, navigate to Menu 'Company' and click on the tab 'Global Contacts'.

Click on 'Add contact' and create a contact with the following name:

Global Contact : “Peter Parker”

Then, navigate to Menu 'Site Groups' and click on the tab 'Group Contacts'.

Click on 'Add contact' and create a contact with the following name:

Group Contact : “Mary Jones”

Lastly, navigate to Menu 'Sites', select your Site, an click on the tab ' Contacts'.

Click on 'Add contact' and create a contact with the following name:

Site Contact : “Bob White”

After creating these basic entities, you can proceed to further testing with the evalink talos API.

Last updated

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