Slack Integration

Forward your alarms to the Slack channel of your choice.

Hi, and welcome to another evalink tutorial!

In this tutorial, we will add and set up the Slack Integration into your evalink talos account.

The Slack integration for evalink talos will convert alarms and events into Slack channel notifications automatically. To configure it in evalink talos, you need to have permissions to create a Slack App on your Slack workspace.

  • On the left menu, go to Company, then click on the tab Integrations.

  • Search for Slack and add the integration to your evalink talos account by clicking on Add Integration.

  • In the window that will pop up now, you will be asked to enter a “Default Slack WebHook”. You can find this webhook in your app’s Features page, which will appear upon the app’s creation.

  • Copy the Webhook-URL and paste it into “Default Slack WebHook” in evalink talos.

  • evalink talos will generally just send critical notifications via this channel. If you check the box “Send all alarms”, it will send all alarms as well.

  • Clicking on the + will allow you to add additional Slack Endpoints, which we can disregard for this tutorial.

  • Click Submitto finish the configuration.

To be able to actually receive Slack notifications for a site, we still need to use the Slack integration on a workflow created for this site.

  • Navigate to the Menu Sites, pick the site to configure and click on the tab Workflows. In the workflow editor, you can now see the automated action Send a Slack Message. By doing that, you can send a slack message into the Slack channel of your choice, based on your Slack app’s configuration.

  • For this tutorial, we will send the message: “Alarm. This is a test message to Slack” for testing purposes.

And, that’s it!

Now, you have the ability to send Slack messages to the connected Slack channel of your choice as a step within a workflow.

Last updated

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